Work Experience
Sep. 2023 – present
Director of Application Development, Quanmatic Inc.
Apr. 2019 – present
Guest Junior Researcher (Guest Assistant Professor), Waseda University
May 2018 – present
Chief Technical Advisor, Tribox Inc.
Apr. 2018 – Jan. 2023
Software Engineer, Yahoo Japan Corporation
Jun. 2020 – Feb. 2021
Our proposed project was adopted by IPA Mitou Target.
Project details
Apr. 2016 – Mar. 2018
JSPS Research Fellow
Oct. 2014 – Mar. 2015
Technical Advisor, Tribox Inc.
My work was developing tribox.com, TORIBO Store, triboxstickers.com (closed), and TORIBO Contest
Additional Experience
Oct. 2019 – present
Apache NiFi Committer
Aug. 2019 – Jan. 2020
WCA Regulations Committee (WRC) Member
Contact Info
Email: kotarot [at] apache.org
GitHub: @kotarot
Technical Activities
Contributions to Open Source Projects
- Apache NiFi ( GitHub: apache/nifi)
- Apache NiFi Registry ( GitHub: apache/nifi-registry)
- Apache ORC ( GitHub: apache/orc)
- Sawatabi ( GitHub: kotarot/sawatabi)
- PyQUBO ( GitHub: recruit-communications/pyqubo)
- World Cube Association website ( GitHub: thewca/worldcubeassociation.org)
- World Cube Association Regulations ( GitHub: thewca/wca-regulations)
- World Cube Association Regulations translation ( GitHub: thewca/wca-regulations-translations)
and others.
- "アニーリング計算をストリーム処理で実行するフレームワーク「Sawatabi」とデモアプリケーションの開発 " 2020年度未踏ターゲット事業成果報告会, Feb. 11th, 2021.
- "Apache NiFi 1.10.0 でなにができるようになったのか?" The 27th Hadoop Source Code Reading, Dec. 4th, 2019.
Tech blog articles
- ヤフー社内のデータ連携を爆速で構築する方法 #ApacheNiFi - Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog, Dec. 24th, 2019.
- 量子アニーリングがチョットワカルようになる記事 - Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog, Dec. 15th, 2018.
- ヤフーCTO藤門、Advent Calendar 「Best Author」に肉ランチで表彰! - linotice, Mar. 28th, 2019.
Hack Day 2017
Project title: ファンさん
Team: けんけんぱ
Prize: Good award (優秀賞)
Hack Day 2016
Project title: コネクトガール (Connect Girls)
Team: すすわたり
Prize: Short list
Source code: GitHub
Media: ねとらぼ, 週間アスキー No. 1073, and more.
Research Interests
Quantum annealing, quantum computing, combinatorial optimization, VLSI design, electronic design automation (EDA), high-level synthesis, big data processing, and stream processing
- A. Okada, K. Otaki, T. Matsumori, H. Yoshida, K. Terada, and N. Togawa, "QUBO formulation using sequence pair with search space restriction for rectangle packing problem," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 156627–156638, Oct. 2024.
- D. Oku, K. Terada, M. Hayashi, M. Yamaoka, S. Tanaka, and N. Togawa, "A fully-connected Ising model embedding method and its evaluation for CMOS annealing machines," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, vol. E102-D, no. 9, pp. 1696–1706, Sep. 2019.
- K. Terada, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "A bitwidth-aware high-level synthesis algorithm using operation chainings for Tiled-DR architectures," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E100-A, no. 12, pp. 2911–2924, Dec. 2017.
- K. Terada, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "A high-level synthesis algorithm with inter-island distance based operation chainings for RDR architectures," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E98-A, no. 7, pp. 1366–1375, Jul. 2015.
International Conferences
- Y. Oto, K. Ijima, K. Terada, and M. Onizuka, "Yosegi: Columnar format for efficient nested data processing by schema conversion," The 1st Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure, Systems, Programming and AI (DISPA 2020), Online, Aug. 2020.
- S. Kanamaru, "An Ising model representation of rectangle packing problem," 2018 Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference (AQC 2018), Moffett Field, CA, USA, Jun. 2018. (poster, collaboration work with K. Terada, D. Oku, S. Tanaka, M. Hayashi, M. Yamaoka, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa)
- K. Terada, D. Oku, S. Kanamaru, S. Tanaka, M. Hayashi, M. Yamaoka, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "A fully-connected Ising model embedding method and its evaluation for CMOS annealing machines," 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC 2018), Work-in-Progress Poster Session, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jun. 2018. (poster)
- K. Terada, D. Oku, S. Kanamaru, S. Tanaka, M. Hayashi, M. Yamaoka, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "An Ising model mapping to solve rectangle packing problem," in Proc. of 2018 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2018.
- K. Terada, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "A floorplan-driven high-level synthesis algorithm with multiple-operation chainings based on path enumeration," in Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 2129–2132, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015.
- K. Terada, M. Yanagisawa, and N. Togawa, "A floorplan-driven high-level synthesis algorithm with operation chainings using chaining enumeration," in Proc. of 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), pp. 248–251, Ishigaki, Japan, Nov. 2014.
Domestic Conferences
- 古山慎悟, 寺田晃太朗, "ストリームデータに量子アニーリングを適用するアプリケーションフレームワークとその有用性," 情報処理学会 第83回全国大会講演論文集, オンライン, Mar. 2021.
- 金丸翔, 寺田晃太朗, 川村一志, 田中宗, 富田憲範, 戸川望, "イジング計算機による3次元直方体パッキング問題の解法," 信学技報, VLD2019-124, pp. 173–178, 那覇市, May 2020.
- 寺田晃太朗, 田中宗, 林真人, 山岡雅直, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "20KスピンCMOSアニーリングマシンを対象とした完全結合イジングモデルマッピング手法," 日本物理学会2017年秋季大会, 盛岡市, Sep. 2017.
- 寺田晃太朗, 田中宗, 林真人, 山岡雅直, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "20KスピンCMOSアニーリングマシンを対象とした完全結合イジングモデルマッピング手法と評価," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2017論文集, pp. 163–168, 加賀市, Sep. 2017.
- 長谷川健人, 石川遼太, 寺田晃太朗, 川村一志, 多和田雅師, 戸川望, "組込みデバイスとFPGAを用いたナンバーリンクソルバの設計と実装," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2017ポスター発表, 加賀市, Aug. 2017. (ポスター発表)
- 寺田晃太朗, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "演算ビット幅に基づく演算チェイニングを用いたRDRアーキテクチャ向け性能指向高位合成手法," 電子情報通信学会2016年ソサイエティ大会講演論文集, p. 71, 札幌市, Sep. 2016.
- 寺田晃太朗, 長谷川健人, 川村一志, 多和田雅師, 戸川望, "機械学習とFPGAを用いたナンバーリンクソルバ," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2016ポスター発表, 加賀市, Sep. 2016. (ポスター発表)
- 寺田晃太朗, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "DFGのクリティカルパス最適化に基づく演算チェイニングを用いたRDRアーキテクチャ対象高位合成手法," 信学技報, VLD2016-05, pp. 41–46, 北九州市, May 2016.
- 寺田晃太朗, 川村一志, 多和田雅師, 藤原晃一, 戸川望, "機械学習を用いたナンバーリンクソルバ," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2015ポスター発表, 加賀市, Aug. 2015. (ポスター発表)
- 寺田晃太朗, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "演算チェイニングの候補列挙・選択アルゴリズムを用いたフロアプラン指向高位合成手法," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2015論文集, pp. 17–22, 加賀市, Aug. 2015.
- 寺田晃太朗, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "多段演算チェイニングを利用した配線遅延を考慮した高位合成手法," 情報処理学会DAシンポジウム2014論文集, pp. 115–120, 下呂市, Aug. 2014.
- 寺田晃太朗, 柳澤政生, 戸川望, "演算チェイニング候補列挙に基づく配線遅延を考慮した高位合成手法," 第27回回路とシステムワークショップ論文集, pp. 440–445, 淡路市, Aug. 2014.
- Mar. 2018, 早稲田大学 アーリーバード成果報告会『100sec. TALKS』~若手研究者が創る未来の科学~ ベストプレゼンテーション賞
- Aug. 2017, 情報処理学会 DAシンポジウム2017 アルゴリズムデザインコンテスト 最優秀賞
- Sep. 2016, 情報処理学会 DAシンポジウム2016 アルゴリズムデザインコンテスト 最優秀賞
- Sep. 2016, 情報処理学会 DAシンポジウム2016 アルゴリズムデザインコンテスト 特別賞
- May 2016, 情報処理学会 第176回システムとLSIの設計技術研究発表会 優秀発表学生賞
- Aug. 2015, 情報処理学会 DAシンポジウム2015 アルゴリズムデザインコンテスト 優秀賞 (学生部門)
- Mar. 2015, 早稲田大学 基幹理工学研究科 情報理工・情報通信専攻 専攻賞
- Jun. 2017 – Mar. 2018, Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Early Bird)
- Apr. 2016 – Mar. 2018, JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Doctor of Engineering, Waseda University, Mar. 2018.
Master of Engineering, Waseda University, Mar. 2015.
Bachelor of Engineering, Waseda University, Mar. 2014.
Apr. 2015 – Mar. 2018
Doctor of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. (Supervisor: Prof. Nozomu Togawa)
Apr. 2014 – Mar. 2015
Master of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. (Supervisor: Prof. Nozomu Togawa)
Apr. 2010 – Mar. 2014
Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. (Supervisor: Prof. Nozomu Togawa)
Apr. 2007 – Mar. 2010
Waseda University Honjo Senior High School.
Other Skills
Speed cubing — WCA
3×3×3 Blindfolded
- 3rd place in 3×3×3 Blindfolded at Cherry Blossom Viewing 2016
- 2nd place in 3×3×3 Blindfolded at East Japan Big Cubes 2012
- 2nd place in 3×3×3 Blindfolded at Kansai Open 2012
- 3rd place in 3×3×3 Blindfolded at Matsudo Spring 2011
3×3×3 Fewest Moves
- 2nd place in 3×3×3 Fewest Moves at Japan Championship 2018
- 2nd place in 3×3×3 Fewest Moves at Hawaii 2018
- 3rd place in 3×3×3 Fewest Moves at Hiroshima 2018
- 3rd place in 3×3×3 Fewest Moves at Tachikawa FMC 2017
- 2nd place in 3×3×3 Fewest Moves at Kanto Winter 2012
- 3rd place in Clock at Cherry Blossom Viewing 2016
- 1st place in Pyraminx at Tohoku 2018
- 3rd place in Pyraminx at Kyushu Open 2016
Other events
- 3rd place in Inter-University Cube Relay as Waseda University at TMU Open 2018
- 3rd place in Inter-University Cube Relay as Waseda University at Circles Open Spring 2017
Speed cubing — Red Bull
- 2nd place in Re-scramble at Red Bull Rubik's Cube World Championship 2018 Japan Qualifier